This is a time of year when lots of money is spent on Christmas shopping. It’s also the time when criminals are very active.
So it’s important that we all do what we can to prevent crime. Here are some of my own tips:
Every morning when you get up, ask God for His protection for you, your family, friends and neighbours.
Arm yourself with self defence products, such as pepper spray or a taser.
Never place yourself in the line of danger or resist if you are being robbed.
Don’t carry large sums of money, and spread the money you do carry across different pockets on your person.
Be part of your neighbourhood watch’s WhatsApp group to stay informed about crime trends and suspects in your area.
Know where your children are at all times and take measures to protect them even if you are not around. Always have a recent picture of your child in the event they do go missing. Never lose sight of your child in a public place or ask a stranger to watch them if you need to go to the toilet.
In the home, make sure all doors and windows are locked and the gate is closed before driving off.
Get to know your neighbours and tell them of your comings and goings.
Beef up security on your front door and gates to prevent falling prey to crowbar gang intruders.
When driving, check your rear-view mirror often to make sure you are not being followed. If you think you are, drive to the nearest police station.
Buckle up and always lock your doors Place all valuables in the boot.
For long trips, make sure you car is roadworthy and that you have tow rope and enough petrol. Inform family and friends of your route, destination and arrival.
Make sure you have to car spaces between your car and the vehicle in front of you in case you need to make an evasive manoeuvre.
When parking the car, double check your vehicle is locked, especially if you have central locking.
Do not drink and drive and remember speed kills.
Hold on tight to your belongings in crowded malls and New Year’s Eve celebrations.
If you hear shots, fall flat making as small a target as possible.
Avoid flashing your cellphone in public.
In an emergency dial 107 from your landline 107 or 021 4807700 for your cellphone.
Keep a small flotation device with a long rope in your car boot when visiting the beach.
Do not take alcohol to the beach as it is against the law.
Be aware of the weather and sea conditions.
Never be alone on the beach, there is safety in numbers.
At an ATM, never ask anyone for help. Never let your car out of your sight.
If you are somewhere where alcohol is being served, make sure you know what is being poured into your glass. Never leave your drink unattended. Do no drink and drive.
Keep watch over schools in your area to prevent them being vandalised.
Never let anyone get your bank card or Sassa pin number.
Make sure you have recent pictures of your pets in case they are stolen. When confronted by any law enforcement official, ask for an identification appointment certificate
Please share these crime-prevention tips with your family,friends and neighbours, along with any of your own.