A Wynberg resident who has been caring for stray cats for the past decade is appealing to a caring volunteer to take over from her.
Charmaine Krohnert and her husband, who passed away in October last year, have been feeding feral cats in their neighbourhood for the past 10 years.
“I feed the cats under the tree in Belper Road but my doctors feel that I am not fit enough to take on this task anymore as I have collapsed on the stairs and was hospitalised.” said Ms Krohnert.
Ms Krohnert urged anybody with a caring spirit who has a love for animals, to come forward and take on the task of feeding the colony of feral cats. She has made arrangements to provide food for the cats.
The cats are very dear to Ms Krohnert’s heart and she wants to ensure the cats are in good hands “My husband was lying on his deathbed and I promised him that I would continue caring for the cats. I feel very sad as I cannot keep doing it because of my health, so I’m sounding a call for help. I hope the person who volunteers to take on the task of caring for the cats will promise me that these cats would not be neglected,” she said.
If you are interested, call Ms Krohnert on 021 761 4429 or 082 426 7587.