The story of Ellen Pakkies from Lavender Hill has been told far and wide and now her story will be captured on film for the whole world to see.
A decade after killing her tik-addict son, Adam, Ms Pakkies has agreed to have a film produced by Paulo Areal, who also made Die Spook van Uniondale and A Lotto Madness.
The film, entitled the story of Ellen Pakkies, will take a comprehensive look at the events that led up to the killing and give an account of Ms Pakkies’ life.
Although the play My name is Ellen Pakkies, where Ms Pakkies was played by 7de Laan actress Vinette Ebrahim, was made in 2011, Mr Areal felt a movie would be able to give more details and depth to the pain and suffering Ms Pakkies endured at the hands of her drug-addict son.
“When I heard about Ellen’s story I was quite moved. I decided to make her story into a film because I wanted to bring some encouragement to drug addicts to not give up, and also for the families of drug addicts not to give up. However, it must be noted that it’s not a drug film – it’s a film about a story of a woman’s struggle that from the moment she was born, the odds were stacked against her,” said Mr Areal.
He added there will be many social aspects to go along with the movie.
“We will have roadshows with this film. We want to speak to addicts and women and children who are being abused. We want to go out to communities and speak to people who deal with issues like the ones Ellen faced,” he said.
Mr Areal added that the abuse of crystal methamphetamine, commonly known as tik, is a worldwide problem and is hoping the film will be distributed internationally.
Ms Pakkies said she was open to the idea of making a film about her life.
“I can’t explain why I said yes but I hope that through the film, families of those struggling with drug addiction will find some encouragement. There are many people suffering the same way I did but there isn’t any real help for them. Hopefully, with this film, we will raise awareness and help people,” said Ms Pakkies.
She added that her strength comes from her spirituality.
“It’s been a long road but I thank God every day and I thank everyone who has helped me tell my story,” she added.
Filming started on Monday January 30 and will continue for the next five weeks with some of the scenes being shot at Ms Pakkies’ home at Dover Court in Lavender Hill.