Residents are encouraged to visit the City of Cape Town’s nature reserves during winter to enjoy the beauty of nature and learn more about the environment in a fun and interactive manner.
The16nature reserves that are managed by the City’s environmental management department offer hikes, guided walks, bird-watchingand environmentaleducation programmes, among others, to the public. Picnic spots are also available at nature reserves.
The first guided hike, which will focus on plants and their identification along the new Coastal Dune Hiking Trail, will take place at the Blaauwberg Nature Reserve on Saturday July 1 and Saturday August 5, from 9am to 1pm.
Those who are interested in the walk can meet at the Environmental Education Centre (log cabin) at the Eerste Steen Resort.
The trail winds its way through the threatened Cape Flats dune strandveld vegetation and
follows historical routes used in the area
dating back to the early 1900s.
Visitorstothis reserve can also stay overnight at Montispectus, a cabin located
on top of Blaauwberg Hill.
Children who want to learn how to grow a new plant from a parent plant can attend the plant propagation course at Zandvlei Nature Reserve. Booking is essential.
The Edith Stephens Nature Reserve invites the public to participate in the amphibian census programme which will take place between mid-July and mid-August. Participants will walk in the reserve and listen for different amphibian calls to identify the species.
“Families are encouraged to explore the beauty of nature while learning through interactive means about the importance of conserving and protecting our environment,” said the City’s mayoral committee member for area north, Suzette Little. Visitors can contact their local nature reserves for more information about activities and events specific to their facilities.