Grassdale High School held its debut Principal’s Awards evening on Thursday February 1, to acknowledge their pupils’ achievements and the staff’s dedication to developing “untapped talent” last year.
Pupils in all grades were awarded for coming first, second and third in class and the top achiever in each grade was recognised.
Awards for involvement in voluntary work to uplift the community were also handed out.
Principal Dawood Tregonning said each year the school has a theme which motivates them.This year the their is “Creating an environment through active learning”.
Mr Tregonning and Ivan Cummings, head of the school governing body, and staff selected
the recipients of the awards as well as the teachers who played an
integral part in the pupils’ progress.
“The staff proved themselves and played a part in the child’s growth and development of his or her’s untapped talent which can go unnoticed. The parents were also invited to the ceremony and we received good feedback from them.”
Mr Cummings said the ceremony was a success because many people worked hard towards the event. “The teachers, senior managers and the student govern-
ing body delivered their best becausetheyputouttheir
“Best attendance, best in sport and academics were some of the awards handed out for Grade 8
to Grade 12 of 2017. The best pu-
pil who came first overall re-
ceived a trophy as the Principal’s Award.”
Teacher Peter Hendricks, said: “It is important to unleash the children’s true potential and we would like to have another award next year.”
If anyone wants to contribute to the event they can contact the school on 021 706 1816.