The Lotus River Community Health Centre hosted an open day, with the focus on youth-friendly services, on Thursday September 21, from 11am to 2pm.
The goal of the day was to highlight and promote health services and to connect with stakeholders as well as to educate the community on the supportive services which they available to them.
Stakeholders such as the Department of Social Development, the Department of Labour, Cape Mental Health Society, the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA), Age in Action, Grassy Park police and the League of the Friends of the Blind (LOFOB) were present.
Unemployed people were welcome as the Department of Labour had their table set up with to provide them with information on employment.
Sister Zulfaa Sambo, the facility manager, said their doors were open for the youth.
“We are here for them during the week – for the youth aged 15 to 24 – but we do make exceptions for younger (people) whom we won’t turn away. An example of the youth issues, is dealing with conflict within families. We have a programme called conflict management offered to them.
“Some of the other challenges youths are facing are depression, suicide, and a high pregnancy rate.”
Ms Sambo said the hospital had an “emergency contraceptive pill” that could be used after sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy. “The pill can be taken within 72 hours to be effective and it is freely available at our hospital.”
For more information, contact Rene Daniels on 021 703 3131.