Keith Blake, Ottery
It is once again that time of the year when we are trying to bring joy where we can. On Sunday December 17, God-willing, we are planning to go to the poorest of the poor children in Hanover Park,Lansdowne, Philippi, Wynberg and Ottery areas and hand them sweets, chips,cooldrinks, toys and so on.
We plan to, as in the past eight years, visit these children in convoy form, consisting of bakkies, motorbikes, cars and police vehicles to the sounds of Christmas carols.
However, the Ottery Boyz Motorcycle Club (MCC) Christmas Convoy 2017 can only do this from the open hearts and open hands of people donating.
For any enquiries or for all donations regarding this project, call Morne Blake, president of the Ottery Boyz MCC on 073 671 8642, vice president Andre Blake on 073 418 0962 or myself, founder of the Christmas convoy, on 073 877 6207.