Colin Arendse, Wynberg
Your article “Fairways faces attack” (Southern Mail, September 28) has probably left local residents more confused than ever.
I don’t understand in what context ward councillor Monty Oliver states that policing is not the City of Cape Town’s mandate.
In May 2016, irate Fairways residents released a public statement that “we have been in meetings for more then five years with Monty Oliver and every time it comes down to the same thing – we are told that the matter about crime and lane closures will be addressed”.
According to the City’s own website, it has a safety and security directorate, which is funded by ratepayers. They have a myriad of parallel units like Metro police, law enforcement and the gang stability unit. And the City even has an annual Police Plan, where it asks residents for their comments every financial year.
The directorate “acts as the first line of protection for Cape Town residents and ensures that City-by laws are enforced”. Also, our municipality “aims to make the residents of Cape Town safer and reduce crime”.
I agree with the City’s vision, as the Metro police and law enforcement units can definitely assist SAPS by focusing on enforcing existing by-laws like loitering in Fairways and other petty crimes.
Also, the land in question where crimes are being committed has been barren for about 50 years now and may as well be used for low cost housing instead of the City shipping homeless people out to places like Blikkiesdorp and Wolwerivier, which are on the outskirts of civilisation.
Local government has a moral duty to ensure that we foster
an inclusive environment for all people. And as
diligent ratepayers
who contribute to
the City’s coffers, we
also expect more returns for our investment.